How to Teach Kids Arabic Alphabet at Home

Children in the West frequently learn the Arabic alphabet as a second language after learning the English alphabet. However, there are numerous ways to make Arabic learning interesting and fun for your children.

Why is it important to teach children the Arabic alphabet at a young age?

The importance of learning the Arabic Alphabet at a young age for us, Muslims, stems from the fact that this language is the language of our Holy Quran. Knowing the language of Quran makes you closer to Allah. No effort in the way of Allah goes unrewarded. May Allah surround us and our children with his knowledge!

With the use of programs, various games, and other resources appropriate for his or her age and perceptual abilities, every child with the potential to communicate can learn the alphabet efficiently and permanently. So, are these techniques effective for teaching kids the Arabic alphabet as well? Yes, without a doubt. With the correct methods and exercises, it is feasible. Look at it now.

Three main learning styles for identifying the Arabic alphabet:

You wouldn’t believe how much of a difference 15-20 minutes can make if you know your child’s learning preferences!

A) VISUAL Learning Style

Sights and colors appeal to visual learners. The greatest ways for them to learn are to observe their teacher write an example on the board, watch a demonstration, look at pictures and diagrams, etc. If they observe them, they pay directions more attention. The term “right-brained learner” is frequently used to describe the visual or spatial learner. These students, who are incorrectly referred to as “late bloomers” due to their difficulties with reading and writing, simply have a different perspective on the world. They are creative, think beyond the box, and assimilate visual information more quickly than auditory information. Because of this, they could remember faces rather than names and pay more attention to the final product’s appearance than to the process’s details.

In most cases, if they have visual assistance for learning, they can study in a busy environment without any trouble, even though they themselves tend to be quieter. In order to visualize or recall what they have been taught, they may frequently close their eyes because they have a propensity to pay attention to even the smallest details. but may struggle to retain spoken instructions; as a result, they frequently find it difficult to focus when trying to follow directions. To find out which learning style works best for your child, you can also mix up the different approaches.

B) AUDITORY Learning Style

Sound and explanations are important to auditory learners. They prefer to listen to lectures or recordings, and they can successfully memorize information by doing so. When learning, they choose reading aloud, speaking aloud, or having someone ask them questions while they speak aloud in response. The auditory learner processes information chronologically and does best with step-by-step instructions. They score well on oral exams and have great linguistic abilities. They could occasionally have trouble deciphering gestures and facial expressions.

C) KINESTHETIC Learning Style

Lessons, projects, experiences, and manipulating materials are preferred by kinesthetic learners. They enjoy playing out situations. Since they move about and interact with everything as they learn, most young children under five are kinesthetic learners. Babies frequently try everything in their mouths as they learn about the world through play, which is why they do it so frequently.

Such students learn best when their bodies are actively engaged, which is why their hands are frequently in motion and up against objects. If there is little or no external stimulus, touch, or movement, they frequently get unfocused. They may make gestures when speaking and pointing while reading. Large rooms that allow children to walk around and draw are beneficial for these types of learners. Consequently, the outdoors is their ideal learning environment.

Arabic Alphabet Activities for Fun and Permanent Learning

Arabic alphabet flash cards

Children will be more likely to remember the letters if flashcards are made with appealing images and colors that will catch their attention. These images and colors will likely conjure up words and objects from their daily life.
At this time, it should be highlighted that the entire alphabet should not be taught at once when engaging in these exercises with the flashcards. The processing of the letters at regular intervals is necessary for the cards to be memorable.
The child will have the chance to learn while having fun by cutting and pasting these flashcards together. One of the finest ways to teach a child the Arabic alphabet, especially for this age group, is to create and learn games to teach the Arabic letters.

Online word and alphabet games

Nowadays, we may learn how to teach a child the Arabic alphabet under the supervision of adults by using the web resources that we frequently utilize. Utilizing digital platforms to our advantage is up to us. Remember that practice ensures that knowledge is retained, and it is a common choice while looking for information on how to teach a child the Arabic alphabet.

Tools like Thinkernation can be of great help for visual learners. Visual cues of colors and shapes can help the kids match letters to form words, which can build their vocabulary.

Using everyday objects

One of the most effective ways to teach a youngster the Arabic alphabet is through making and learning activities. For instance, the learner can use pulses or stones to write letters on a flat surface. Additionally, using chalk or another object, the letters can be drawn on the ground.

Arabic alphabet Rhymes & Songs

You can use a tape recorder and record your child reading or singing it and then have them re-listen to it. You may follow AYEINA and refer to this Pinterest board for music-free rhymes, cartoons and songs. You will find many alif baa taa songs in there.

Make up Arabic Vocabulary Stories

We practised over them by making up tales and using images to help us, then we reviewed our vocabulary for each letter that we had learned.

Make an Arabic Wall at Home

The purpose of learning displays extends beyond simply beautifying the surroundings. By putting up a poster of the Arabic alphabet, you can actively refer to them during your lessons. Display the kids’ letter project and any other teaching tools you’re using!


Kinesthetic learners enjoy taking gadgets apart and putting them together again. If you have blocks, you can ask your child to put them together and form the Arabic letters.

Teaching letters with repetition technique

Auditory memory: which includes listening carefully, processing, and storing, is one of the most important learning skills. In the repetition method, the teacher first says the letters aloud, and then the students repeat what the teacher says by using their imitation skills. If this method is done at certain periods it is coded into the student’s memory. This effective learning technique can be supported by children’s songs, Arabic cartoons and it takes an unforgettable place in the mind with the intonations and melodies.

The Role of the Teacher in Effective Learning

It is important that the instructor has prior experience teaching the age group to which they will be assigned. The instructor can have productive contact with the student by being able to comprehend the student’s emotions and level of perception. Effective and long-lasting learning is ensured by strong communication and knowledge transmission.

The Influence of Parents on a Child’s learning progress

Children require parents to be patient with them. Learning a new language is similar to parenting a child, thus it takes patience and attention to teach a youngster the Arabic alphabet properly. It’s crucial to understand that you shouldn’t count on any unpredictable and erratic learning process to produce results. You may make sure that your kid receives classes from reputable instructors who deliver high-quality education if you want them to have a good language education. You can access our online course materials with the help of our qualified instructors by clicking on this link.


Since learning the Arabic alphabet is the first step in learning how to recite the Quran, we should all make the most of the various teaching techniques until our kids are completely comfortable with all the letters.

Fortunately, you can enroll your kids in our Online Arabic Classes for Kids and teach them Arabic from the comfort of your home. Sign up right away to receive a free trial!

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