Hijab and False Ideas

Due to incorrect conventions and traditions that arise from the absence of a strong Islamic creed and numerous unfounded anxieties and obsessions, there are many misconceptions about the hijab (Islamic covering for women). These misunderstandings include:

• When a woman reaches a certain age and all of her children have married, she begins to devote attention to herself, conducts the Hajj, and maintains her devotion to her Lord. It’s as though she knew exactly when she’ll pass away! It sounds as though she is positive that at that time she will be able to engage in worship in ways she has never before! She appears to be certain that she will be able to perform tasks that she was before unable to. How accurate is the adage “What has always been, always will be”?

• For a woman looking for a marriage, the hijab presents a barrier: It is a common misconception that most suitors favor a woman who shows off her jewellery over one who is covered up. Even if the suitor is somewhat perceptive, he intends to convince his future wife to cover her head with the hijab after they get married so that he can receive the reward. Despite the fact that it does happen occasionally, this is not an universal norm. The proverb “Birds of a feather gather together” applies to women looking for husbands. Those who make proposals to her after she takes off the hijab won’t be as pious and religious as they should be. The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said in a Hadeeth (narration):

“When a person proposes to you (matrimonial guardians to marry women under your guardianship) and you approve of his religiousness and morals, you should marry him; otherwise, there will be temptation on earth and widespread corruption.” [At-Tirmithi]

• The hijab makes it difficult for the lady to find a work that suits her needs. Many organizations won’t hire veiled women as employees. An employee risks herself to termination if she chooses to wear the veil. A Muslim woman who wants to wear the hijab must make sure that it does not prohibit her from receiving the nourishment granted by Allah, The Almighty, even though this practice is common in some institutions and by some people looking for a chance to take advantage of an employee’s attractions. Many women who do not wear the hijab are unable to find employment.

Men must financially support women; this is their duty. If a woman must work in order to support herself or her children because she is in severe need, the delay in obtaining a suitable job is due to Allah, The Almighty, and His Divine Decree. It is also a test from Allah to determine how sincere the woman is. A woman will eventually find a suitable career in a suitable location if she is persistent. The truth is that a hiring manager who seeks out a lady in a burka is really seeking for a productive worker whose lifestyle aligns with his own principles.

• Some women are hesitant to share their desire to wear the hijab with their families because they anticipate that they will object, which can generate worry and fear. Some women also fear facing their environment, which mocks the hijab and the women who wear it and views it as “uncivilized,” “backward,” and “regressive.”

We advise our sister who is a believer to remember the following Hadeeth which the Prophet of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam: “Indeed! Only what is permitted is subject to obedience (to individuals).” Additionally, keep in mind that disobeying the Hijab under this pretext does not excuse you from responsibility. Allah, The Exalted, says (what means): {Every soul, for what it has earned, will be retained.} [Quran 74:38]

In order to fully rely on Allah, The Exalted, and have faith in Him, you should move quickly to obey His commands. Almighty Allah declares (what this means):

  • {And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah.} [Quran 3:159]
  • {And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him.} [Quran 65:3]

When you fulfil this, Allah, The Almighty, will assist you in your duty since He is in charge of people’s hearts. Rejection can become acceptance, and disobedience can become submission.

As for those who mock you, you should remember that Allah, The Exalted, says (what means) concerning them:

{Beautified for those who disbelieve is the life of this world, and they ridicule those who believe. But those who fear Allah are above them on the Day of Resurrection.} [Quran 2:212

• The hijab prohibits women from dressing stylishly, which is a concern for many women since they feel it robs them of their attractiveness and makes them appear older than they are. We remind such women of the verse in which Allah, The Exalted, Says (what means):

{Say, “Indeed, the death from which you flee — indeed, it will meet you.} [Quran 62:8]

Islam limits the use of ornaments and displays of beauty to the husband and does not fully forbid women from doing so. This is prohibited in front of nosy and cunning individuals who want to see temptation and corruption spread throughout the entire world.

Finally, there are various reasons why women neglect the Hijab and these reasons differ from one woman to another based on each one’s psychology and social circumstances. They are the result of following fancies in most cases and this is forbidden by Allah, The Almighty, Who Says (what means):

{But as for he who feared the position of his Lord and prevented the soul from [unlawful] inclination, Then indeed, Paradise will be [his] refuge.} [Quran 79:40-41]


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