“Hafiz” is a word that means “Keeper” or “Guardian,” and it means “Memorization” and the prevention of forgetting. So, a “Hafiz Quran” is someone who has memorized the entire Quran and can recite it from memory without having to read it.
What a noble act it is to memories the Quran. Hufaz Quran is rewarded abundantly both in this life and in the afterlife. Allah Almighty would lavishly reward and praise them, raising their standing in Paradise to a degree equal with the Quran they learned. The prophet Muhammad said in this regard:
It will be said to the companion of the Qur’an, when he enters Paradise: ‘Recite and rise one degree for every Verse,’ until he recites the last thing that he knows. Hadith [Sunan Ibn Majah 3780]
What Is The Benefit Of Memorizing The Quran And Becoming A Hafiz?
Memorizing the Quran is a form of worship in which a Muslim seeks Allah’s pleasure and reward in the Hereafter by memorizing the Quran. The advantages of becoming a hafiz are numerous and do not include those listed here. Allah has bestowed exceptional blessings and privileges on those who learn the Holy Quran in a variety of ways both in this life and in the afterlife.
For example, a person who memorizes and behaves in accordance with Islamic principles will be admitted to Paradise. The following hadith exemplifies the value of someone who is proficient in Quran recitation:
“One who knows the Quran is affiliated with the noble, upright, recording angels; and one who does not know it and finds it difficult will receive two prizes.” [Muslim] [Sahih]
Allah SWT will regard a hafiz differently on the Day of Judgment, and he will be rewarded handsomely for every verse recited in front of Him.
According to Abu Hurairah, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “On the Day of Judgement, the one who memorized the Quran shall appear, and (the recompense for reading the Quran) says: ‘O Lord! Decorate him.” As a result, he is given a nobility crown. “O Lord! Give him more!” it continues. As a result, he is dressed in a noble suit. “O Lord, be happy with him,” it continues. As a result, He is pleased with him and adds, “Recite and rise up, and your reward will be multiplied with each Ayah.” [Sunan At-Tirmidhi]
The importance of a hafiz in the sight of Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) can be seen through the following hadith:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “There is to be no envy except for two: A man to whom Allah grants wealth, and he spends from it during the hours of the night and the hours of the day. And a man to whom Allah grants (memorization of) the Quran so he stands with it (in prayer) during the hours of the night and the hours of the day.” [Sunan At-Tirmidhi]
In addition to other rewards, a person who recites some part of Surah Al-Kahf will be protected from the trial of Antichrist. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Whoever commits to memory the first ten Ayat of the Surat Al-Kahf, will be protected from (the trial of) Ad-Dajjal (Antichrist).” [Sahih Muslim]
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated in another narration, “(Whoever commits to memory) the last ten Ayat of Surat Al-Kahf, he would be safeguarded from (the trial of) Ad-Dajjal (Antichrist)”. [Riyad As-Salihin]
How to Become a Hafiz Quran Quickly and Easily
Many Muslims wish to understand the Quran but have no idea how to become a hafiz. The following are some instructions and recommendations on The fastest and easiest way to memorize the Qur’an and become a hafiz:
1. Pick a convenient time to learn.
After Fajr salah, begin learning your new teachings. It’s best to learn it first thing in the morning because you won’t be stressed. Reading in the morning allows you to rewrite your lines or pages before reading it to your teacher, which is typically in the evening. You should also read in the evening to familiarise yourself with the lines or pages for the next day.
According to research, studying before going to bed helps you recall what you learned when you wake up. If you learn before going to bed, you have a greater chance of remembering the lesson when you wake up.
Even if you have a lot of homework/work to do, Allah (SWT) will make it easy for you to finish it if you choose to revise even a few ayahs.
2. Read the new lesson every day.
You should also read your previous lessons, which are referred to as manzil or dohr. These are usually the five to seven Ayahs you’ve read recently. This is done to ensure that you don’t forget your previous Ayahs, as moving forward is pointless if you forget everything else you’ve learned.
3. Make an effort.
You should also read a complete juz (section) of the Qur’an every day if you haven’t before. This is comparable to your manzil or dohr, however instead of reviewing a few pages, you revise the entire portion. Because it is a time-consuming work, some students choose to undertake it once a week (for example, on Fridays).
4. Make an effort to learn Arabic.
This is the Qur’anic language. It is preferable to study and comprehend the Qur’an because you will gain knowledge about what you are reading, how to live as a Muslim, what mankind will face on the Day of Judgement, and so on. When reading from memory, some people find that knowing particular Arabic terms helps them remember what comes next.
5. Begin at the very end of the Qur’an.
Because most of the surahs (chapters) are brief, the end of the Qur’an, also known as Juz Amma, is the easiest part. Starting with chapter 114, you should strive to learn one chapter per day (Surah Naas). Because these are brief surahs, you should concentrate much more on learning the meaning, which should not be difficult.
If this stresses you out, learn the entire Quran once and take a variety of courses to grasp its translation.
6. Look for learning methods.
Repeat the passage while looking at the Qur’an until you understand it, then repeat it without looking a few times.
Keep going over your surahs to make sure you don’t forget anything. If you’re ready, move on to the next section.
Learn a couple more lines or another page if you wish to go even further. However, don’t overwork yourself. Find out how much is ideal for you.
7. Make yourself at home in a peaceful space.
This will help you stay focused. You could try listening to Qur’an recitations. Set it to loop mode to help you memorize the verse, then try to follow along. Some people find this distracting, so experiment to determine what works best for you.
8. Someone should hear your Ayahs.
It’s no fun doing Hifz alone when no one else is interested. Request that one of your parents put you to the test on your lesson. Before giving them the Qur’an, be sure they can read and perform wudu. When you’ve memorized it, read it aloud to someone else, preferably a sheikh, on a daily basis.
9. Always seek Allah’s assistance.
Make du’a on a regular basis to aid your memorization. Have patience and determination. Don’t give up and forget about it just because you think you can’t do it any longer. Anyone who has memorized the Qur’an is required to recall what they have remembered, whether it is a single page or the entire Qur’an.
10. Find the Best Hifz School for the Quran
You can learn anything online in this day and age of digital media. There are numerous online institutes for persons who are interested in learning how to memorize the Quran while maintaining a busy schedule. These colleges provide people with an affordable way to learn the Quran from authorized and competent Islamic teachers. Locate the best Quran Hifz school and sign up for an online course. Jawwid Academy is a pioneering Academy where you can learn the Quran online from the comfort of your own home with the help of an expert tutor.
How Long Does It Take to memorize The Quran And Become a Hafiz?
It is impossible to say how long it will take to memorize the Quran. However, having an approximate estimate is helpful for motivation and planning your Quran memorization programme. The average time it takes to become a hafiz is 3-5 years. Some pupils, on the other hand, have memorized the Quran in a matter of months or even weeks.
“Is it possible to memorize the Quran in a year?” people frequently inquire. Yes, however it is contingent on one’s memory, time, and effort. If you want to learn how to memorize the Quran in a year, you need cut out all extraneous activities and memorize roughly 16 verses per day.
“How to memorize the Quran in 30 days or in a month?” “Is it feasible to memorize the Quran in 56 days?” “How to become a hafiz in 6 months?” and so on are some of the questions that people ask. The answers to both of these queries are the same. This could take anything from one to several months, depending on your memorization skills. To memorize the text quickly, split the number of verses to be covered in a day and manage your schedule appropriately.
The Quran is maybe the only religious book that millions of people around the world have memorized to perfection. With adequate direction and skilled assistance on how to become a hafiz, the procedure becomes much easier.
Become a Hafiz Online
The Holy Quran’s memory journey is arduous, but it can be made easy if you know how to become a hafiz. This endeavor is highly attainable with the right supervision and a professional tutor.
Jawwid Academy is the place to go if you want to be a hafiz. Enrolling in our exclusive Online Quran lessons for beginners as well as our Online Quran Memorization Course for Adults requires only a few clicks to begin such a rewarding journey.
Get in touch with us right now to set up your FREE Hifz class.