The Holy Quran should be recited, but it is as necessary to incorporate its principles into daily life. The Holy Quran’s lessons must be properly understood in order to be applied in daily life. The Holy Quran focuses on laying a solid foundation in one’s heart as well as bolstering and nourishing the reader’s faith and spirituality. It is not only a compilation of laws or facts. There is no doubt that the Quran will offer a great deal of consolation and encouragement in relation to any challenge one may be facing in life.
The Holy Quran is the one and only reliable source of knowledge regarding the nature, qualities, and deeds of Allah. These unknowable and timeless facts are beyond the power of human mind and imagination. There is no need for man’s false assumptions and misguided ideas because Allah reveals Himself in the Quran. Simply open the holy book Quran, recite it with knowledge, and you will find a solution to every issue in your life.
The Noble Quran is a great literary miracle in terms of its words and meaning. Quran is the complete doctrine to live a pious life, a complete code of life indeed. Holy Quran not only guides the Muslims but it also guides and helps each and every person who refers to it regardless of the religion. The divine book of Allah (SWT) is for the whole of humanity.
The most crucial thing to do is to incorporate the Holy Quran’s lessons into a Muslim’s daily life. The accounts from actual ancient societies and customs are included in the Quran. For us to comprehend the truth, these stories are presented. The essential element that makes us powerful and courageous is our belief in Allah Almighty and His awesome might. In the Holy Quran, there are countless instances where we can learn about Hidaya.
Ways to Implement the Quran in Daily Life
A Muslim can be connected to the Quran in a number of ways, some of which are mentioned below:
♦ Person can feel close relation to Allah Almighty when he recites the Holy Quran.
♦ Reciting the Holy Book without mistake and understanding bloom the soul and heart with peace. It also fills the house of reciter with blessings.
♦ The recitation of Holy Quran provides relief from grief and sorrow because of its instant stress-relieving effects which is also accepted by today’s science.
♦ We can also recite the Holy Quran in five-time prayers.
♦ The Holy Book of Allah Almighty also protects or shields us from evils and devil. It helps to establish justice in society.
♦ Daily recitation of Holy Quran particularly after the Fajar prayers is highly fruitful to keep you on the right path and also tie your know with Allah Almighty.
♦ Reciting and memorizing the Holy Quran is the priority among all other duties. It is highly rewarding and virtuous actions.
♦ The Holy Book of Allah Almighty teaches us how to observe and find out the truth from everything. We should try to understand the Quranic teachings because it ultimately strengthens and firming our beliefs and hearts.
♦ We should listen Quran carefully and intentionally.
The Habit of Recitation
When it comes to developing the habit of memorizing and understanding the Quran, we must first make a conscious effort to read and study the holy book. Where there is a will, there is a way. Here, we’ll also offer some advice on how to use the Quran more effectively.
1- Schedule a specific time in the day dedicated to this task. If it makes it easier, feel free to note down the time in a diary or set an alarm. The key is to stick to a schedule to make it an unconscious effort.
2- Keep your own copy of the Quran and keep it close to make it easier to recite whenever free time is available for a quick recitation. We have resorted to storing this noble book on shelves in elaborate covers as a sign of respect but fail to achieve the purpose behind this divine revelation which is following the Quran.
3- Keep good and authentic translations and tafsir books for cross reference when reciting. Reciting and understanding the verses simultaneously is one of the best ways to go about covering the teaching of the Quran. Take notes if it helps, jot down any verses that you are having trouble with and cross-check it with your tafsir or a scholar.
4- Concentrate while reciting the Quran and free your mind of worldly distractions. Recitation or study of this holy book is not a chore but instead brings spiritual, and mental peace to an individual. So clear your mind and recite with the spirit of faith in your heart and the intention to understanding the meaning behind the teachings.
In a word, learning the Holy Quran requires a practical approach. Even while memorizing the Quran is not the ultimate objective, it has its own importance that should never be overlooked. May Almighty Allah make it easier for us to incorporate the Quran’s teachings into our daily lives! Ameen